Rotterdam was flooded some time ago and new land has been built through land reclamation which makes room for new buildings such as smart homes, farms and also scientific buildings. Smart homes are high-tech houses which come with AI robots to help you start the day. These robots do everything for their owners, they help them choose clothes for the perfect occasion, clean the house and also cook high luxury dinners. They also help children, teenagers and adults with their online schooling and can help them with the trickiest of questions.
Every house is connected to a water source that relies on the natural way water moves that powers the electrical grid, as well as various other environmentally safe products, such as solar panels. Water is collected through rain water systems and gets naturally filtered into safe clean drinking water. The whole city runs on energy from wind, water and the sun.
Citizens get around by using a new invention called The Bubble, which is a clever way of incorporating the rising sea levels into public transport using the waves to push passenger cabins across the tracks. People also get around the city by shared water bikes which unlock by recognising faces. They are a bit like electric bikes but they ride on water.
Certain areas of Rotterdam are known as green areas which are areas that are covered with grass, trees, benches, flowers and other decorative elements for the public to use. No vehicles are allowed in the vicinity of the area.